Monthly Membership
Scheduled access to a skilled professional with decades of mentoring experience.
Talk freely with someone who will watch out for your well-being and development in multiple areas. Get a set of eyes to help you identify and cover your blind sposts.
Three scheduled person to person 30 min. sounding board sessions by phone or video conferencing (each month).
Email consultation for special topics
Recommendations to relevant resources
Monthly Menbership
An experienced mentor will help you develop.
Three scheduled person to person 45 min. Robust Life coaching sessions by phone or video conferencing (each month).
Individual Robust Life dimensional growth assessment and development plan.
Digital training in Robust Life personal development.
Email consultation for special topics.
Recommendations to relevant resources.
Price per organization
Organizational analysis using Robust Life's dimensional development tools.
Choose your level of assessment:
Local: Individual, Team or Group
Macro: Department, Division or Insitution
Short-, Mid- and Long-term goal planning
Consultation sessions fitted to your needs
Access to printed and downloadable Robust Life training materials