
 Empowering you to guide your growth

We help you see where you are strong, where you can grow, and how those relate to each other

Our history

 Robust Life hasn't always been Robust Life. It's been developed and refined as the product of over forty years of experience in commercial and non-profit human development that has spanned NGO's, businesses, academic institutions, churches, youth and community uplift projects, and a wide array of other social endeavors of all sizes and aims.

In the process of building the models that undergird Robust Life we've spent decades training hundreds of leaders who have applied our models across the globe in order to develop themselves and their organizations. We've used feedback from those leaders throughout the years to continually refine, focus and integrate the concepts that we now offer as the Robust Life suite of tools. In other words, we're confident about Robust Life because its foundations have been field-tried and field-proven since long before it became Robust Life.  

The Robust Life suite now combines insights from the humanities, educational philosophy and social sciences in a unique, multidimensional model of human potentials that we use to assess personal and organizational well-being. The Robust Life model is specially designed to identify and compare aspects of human growth across a broad spectrum of qualities in order to support maximum balance and long-term stability for individuals and organizations, even during periods of highly-focused development. 

Where to find us

Robust Life is based in Orange County, CA., which has been our grounding context for over thirty-five years.

However, you don't have to come to us. Robust Life comes to you. That means you can find professionals and volunteer workers using our models across the United States, in Australia, Japan, the Philippines, Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Who's using Robust Life right now?

A sample of our current clients (named by permission)
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